•† Tork Mentuz †•
...Un lugar para descansar...
martes, 24 de diciembre de 2013
Manetniendolo vivo
Y qué es de mi ahora... Bueno, ahora miro hacia adelante con avaricia, deseando alcanzar sueños o ideales que no son imposibles, solamente requieren de mucho esfuerzo y sacrificios que hasta ahora estoy dispuesto a tomar, pero sé que lo que haga ahora conllevará consecuencias en el futuro que espero. Pero eso no quiere decir que ahora en estos momentos me este negando de las cosas que quiero, por el contrario, intento tomar cada buena oportunidad de experimentar, adquirir, probar, etc, las cosas que deseo, ya que en eso se basa la experiencia, y ésta hace al maestro.
Intento tomar los mejores caminos y las mejores decisiones, todo a por mi. Obvio, la vida es de uno, y por muy egoísta que suene, la vida hay que vivírla uno, aunque estés acompañado, y compartas tu día a día con alguien más, la vida sigue siendo de uno. Pero la soledad no es buena para nadie, y por lo mismo me alegro de compartir mi día a día con alguien especial.
Este año ha sido de cambios, como se predecía desde el año pasado. Muchas cosas cambiaron, yo cambié, mi futuro cambió, y lo que espero de él, también.
Ahora solo queda luchar por éste, esforzarse y salir adelante, y esperar los cambios que vendrán.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
Falling in the Abism - Alejandra's Tale
Falling in the Abysm
I fall in the abysm of the eternal lust, like than an infinite orgasm, the point of the pleasure higher to somebody can get, and it is so much far away of the imagination of any mortal. But while more I’m going inside, more of the deepest, darker and desolated is turning on all around me, until that point in that I only see him, everything else is just darkness.
Just before of die and close my eyes for last time, I see the glow of a vague red thread, whose is going to fall on my mouth. I feel that my heart is pressed, giving whit all his strength his last heartbeat. The lust and the orgasms are gone, leaving me alone in the abysm, and when I feel wick, cold, out of me, and think that is ended this period in that I wanted learn a lot more , I open my eyes, I recover my sense, He is still next to me, I feel different, cold, tired, thirsty…
He hugs me.
-The worst is ended- He said- Is now when this begins to be funny
-It was really…- I couldn’t say any more.
-If you’re hungry, you can eat something- He said showing me some place- I hope that won’t be a trouble has to get used to this.-
When I looked back to see what was ‘this’ I saw it, and I understood what did he wanted tell me, it was a horripilate scene, there were three persons – my father, my mother and my sister- complete soaked with blood. I couldn’t resist that picture, but He seemed accustomed to that.
- I had to do it, I hope that someday you forgive me, but if I didn’t, somebody else would make this, and they’d be treated them worst. I assure you that your family didn’t suffer; and now I recommend you that eat something, we’ll need strength for get out of here this night.-
-How can you do it without any scruple?!
-After a while you’ll get used.-
And that was what happened, after of being more than a year traveling only at nights whit him and his friend, eating the lives of others persons for keep the ours, wanderings in the mortal world of the bohemia, without be part of them, just we’ve to accept the destiny of some people, persons who God takes care, and others, that because of the fault of one of his children, we are cursed.
But this isn’t a damning, is the threshold to another world, the door for a second chance, under the eyes- not of God or Satan- Cain’s. Or this was what Gregor explain me -He-
At night. I wake up, everything was a dream. But isn’t a simply dream, a memory.
If we go back time ago, you‘ll understand what happened. I’ll tell you…
It was a normal night, in the news announced that there had was a fugue in the jail – nothing new-, after of dinner, we went at the bed. I stayed awake reading. Everything looks fine, went suddenly and very slowly the door of my bed room was open, stood there was He.
My reaction was screaming and I tried to run, but he intercepts me before and I fell down unconscious. Went I recovered my sense, I was moored; I looked around me, I still was on my bed room, the door was ajar, and I could see at two guys that were talking. Gregor gets into my room.
-You’re very beautiful, and I’m interesting in you- He said- So I’ll give you two options.-
- Where is my family?! – I screamed him
- Your family doesn’t exist anymore- He said me
- What?!-
- So listen up me very careful – Continuing- the first choice that I give you is dying here and now; and the second choice…-
- I don’t want to…- I cried interrupting him.
- The second one is live…for ever –He said-
- I don’t understand …-Crying – What do you want to say?-
- Just tell me what you want now- He replied
- I want…- went I looked into his eyes I fell in the abysm - …I want to be with you…
- Then so be it.
And nailing me his tusks in my neck I die…But my soul comes back to my damn body, and I wake up for not sleep never again. And on this way I’ll be for the eternity.
Alejandra's Tale
By: Matías Acevedo [Tormentuz]
jueves, 15 de enero de 2009
Condones Durex! xD
Veanlo y riance ta muy bueno xDDDD... Es una proppaganda de durex...